Monthly Archive: April, 2016

Your Time Is Ticking So Get Rid Of The Digital Distractions

A split second is all it takes to kill productivity. How often are you totally absorbed in a project, completely in the zone, when your phone rings, you receive a text message or… Continue reading

7 Signs You Are Going To Be A Failure

Life scatters clues and identifying the ones that result in success are equally important as those that lead to failure. The definition of success invariably means different things to each individual and having… Continue reading

What Quality Drives Your Success?

To be successful or not what is the answer? Why are some people more successful than others? A disparity in life circumstances is not the answer as individuals from underprivileged backgrounds have succeeded… Continue reading

Happiness is a choice – what are you choosing?

    Happiness is a choice, you have always been empowered to make that decision and it is that simple. Having control to choose your state of being is powerful as it gives… Continue reading